Update and Photos From the September 2022 Charter Chapter Luncheon in Newport Beach

Tom Getz receives his Certificate of Appreciation from Charter Chapter Coordinator Michael Sholer following his presentation on the South Pacific (see more photos below).

After a three-year COVID-related hiatus, Charter Chapter TCC members returned to our traditional September meeting site at the beautiful, bayside Newport Beach Yacht Club in Newport Beach on Saturday, Sept. 10.

Members and six guests assembled for an afternoon of food, fellowship and fun as we welcomed three potential new members and a visiting out-of-state member.

Popular presenter, Tom Getz offered a fascinating multi-media program, “South Pacific, Part I” which took us on an exotic and fascinating journey with stops in Micronesia (Palau), Polynesia (Tahiti and Samoa) and Melanesia (the Solomon Islands and the Trobriands). We were captivated by the sights, the sounds and (almost) the scents of these tropical destinations.

TCC Secretary JoAnn Schwartz (right) welcomes visiting member Wilma Drummond who drove from Oklahoma to attend our luncheon as part of her “bucket list” goal.
Past President Tim Skeet (center) from Calgary, Alberta enjoys a conversation with TCC member Noel Jones and his guest Linda Vandom
Guests (and now New Members) Peter and Olivia Narins enjoy their first Charter Chapter meeting
Vice President Margo Bart shares smiles and stories with Kriss Larson
Debbi Kightlinger (left) compares travel tales with Victor and Iris Antola prior to lunch
Member Alison King and guest Chris Catsimanes relax at the bayside yacht club
Guest Pam Wheeler (now a new Provisional Member) volunteers to greet and register our attendees
Rodney and Colleen Lineweber anticipate a virtual visit to the South Pacific
Bob Ihsen (left) and Past President Chris Hudson catch up on TCC activities before the program
Part of the crowd at the Newport Beach Yacht Club