Hello World Travelers,
Once again, we were able to welcome TCC Canada members to an in-person meeting while including members virtually as well.
Two important country milestone achievements were acknowledged:
- Marnie Bracht — 200 TCC countries & territories
- Derek Smith — 150 TCC countries & territories.
A fantastic accomplishment for both!
We also welcomed John Belyea, a new provisional member who attended his first TCC Canada meeting.
Our feature presentation: ‘From Niagara Falls to Kangaatsiaq — discovering Greenland’ by Jane and Rick Shaver.
Jane and Rick chronicled their last-minute (three days before departure) expedition destination change from Arctic Canada to Arctic Greenland, followed by more changes — including a flight departure change (the day before) which saw us bused over the U.S. border, to meet a different plane at Niagara Falls International airport where we flew five hours direct to Greenland!
Greenland highlights presented were: visits to Inuit Greenland villages, UNESCO world heritage sites, helicoptering over glaciers and zodiac trips through towering icebergs.
A fascinating country within the Danish Realm.
Next TCC Canada meeting: Saturday Dec. 10. Details forthcoming soon.
Rick Shaver
TCC Canada Chapter Coordinator