Greenland Explorations Featured at Fall 2022 Canada Chapter Meeting in Toronto

Jane and Rick Shaver in Greenland
Marnie Bracht and Derek Smith honored for their latest TCC milestones.

Hello World Travelers,

Once again, we were able to welcome TCC Canada members to an in-person meeting while including members virtually as well.

Two important country milestone achievements were acknowledged:

  • Marnie Bracht — 200 TCC countries & territories
  • Derek Smith — 150 TCC countries & territories.

A fantastic accomplishment for both!

We also welcomed John Belyea, a new provisional member who attended his first TCC Canada meeting.

Our feature presentation: ‘From Niagara Falls to Kangaatsiaq — discovering Greenland’ by Jane and Rick Shaver.

Jane and Rick chronicled their last-minute (three days before departure) expedition destination change from Arctic Canada to Arctic Greenland, followed by more changes — including a flight departure change (the day before) which saw us bused over the U.S. border, to meet a different plane at Niagara Falls International airport where we flew five hours direct to Greenland!

Greenland highlights presented were: visits to Inuit Greenland villages, UNESCO world heritage sites, helicoptering over glaciers and zodiac trips through towering icebergs.

A fascinating country within the Danish Realm.

Next TCC Canada meeting: Saturday Dec. 10. Details forthcoming soon.

Rick Shaver
TCC Canada Chapter Coordinator

The September 2022 TCC Canada Chapter gathering.