Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Chapter Zoom Meeting on Oct. 1

Fellow Texas Oklahoma Louisiana Members,

Our next program will be on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 at 1:00pm CT via Zoom.

We would like to continue our alphabet program with “B” places. Examples: Bahamas, Bahrain, Bhutan, cities, Berlin, Boston, or lakes, etc. Please let us know when, where and if there is a story to your picture(s). I’ve found looking through our pictures brings back many happy memories. Please send your pictures to tcctxok@gmail.com. We will contact everyone who sends us pictures. If you don’t hear from us by Sept. 22, call us or resend your picture.

A reminder: Our TCC Virtual Exploration Committee hosts a travel program each month on the third Saturday at 1:00pm CT. They are recording these programs so you can see them at your convenience in the TCC Forum. The last program featured Don Parrish and his stories about six of the most difficult islands to reach. Fascinating!

Hope to see you on the 1st of October. May your next trip be the best ever!

Sylvia and Mark Russell
Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Chapter Coordinators