Special Meeting of the U.K. Chapter at Doggett’s Coat and Badge on Sunday, Nov. 27

Dear Travelers’ Century Club Member,

I am pleased to reconfirm that our next TCC UK and Ireland meeting will take place on Sunday, Nov. 27, in the private Terrace Bar and outdoor balcony at Doggett’s Coat and Badge

Doggett’s Coat and Badge
1 Blackfriars Bridge
0207 633 9081

This is a special meeting to celebrate the achievement of David Langan’s completion of the TCC Countries & Territories list. David will be sharing his ever-entertaining stories of some of his more memorable travel. This will also be an opportunity to ask David’s advice about just about anywhere.

We will also have a catch-up about the latest developments in the TCC globally, including plans for future meetings abroad. As ever, we also look forward to updates from our members.

Arrival time is between 12.30 – 1pm. The meeting is likely to finish sometime between 4pm – 5pm, so please plan accordingly. A three-course lunch will be served shortly after 1pm. Please provide your meal preferences, which are listed in your RSVP. If you fail to do so, then I will make the choices for you to assist the pub. A cash bar will be available for soft drinks, beer, wine and spirits.

Meeting Agenda:

  • Welcome
  • New member introductions and updates.
  • Recognition of Davis Langan’s Achievement
  • TCC Updates
  • Open comments from members
  • Options for TCC UK autumn 2022 meeting
  • Close

Please RSVP no later than Friday, Sept. 9, I can give the pub an estimate of how many will attend. Please email or return selection by post using the form linked below:

If attending, please ensure payment for £49.50 per person is made no later than Friday, Oct. 21. Please ensure payments are made directly to the TCC UK bank account. Please advise if you require these bank details.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,

Donna Marsh
Travelers’ Century Club
Area Coordinator, United Kingdom