Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Chapter to Meet in Person on July 30 Near Houston

Fellow Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana TCC members:

We’d like to invite you to our first in-person chapter meeting since the beginning of the pandemic. Please mark your calendars for 11 a.m. Saturday, July 30, at Lakewood Yacht Club south of Houston.

LYC is located on Clear Lake, near NASA. It’s less than 30 minutes from Hobby Airport. Uber should be less than $50, if you prefer to come that way.

It’ll be a great chance to reconnect with long-time fellow travelers and make new friends too!

We’ll have a program as well as show a recording of a recent TCC Virtual Exploration program.

While in the area, you may choose to visit NASA, where you can tour a Space Shuttle replica, as well as the actual 747 that flew the Shuttle around. You may also be interested in the Lone Star Flight Museum at Ellington Airport. If we have enough interest in touring one or both, we’ll see if we can get a guide for our group. Also, Galveston is a short drive from Clear Lake.

If you’re coming from out of town and plan to stay one or more nights, there are multiple choices, including:

  • Hilton Houston NASA at Clear Lake
  • South Shore Harbor Resort
  • Spring Hill Suites by Marriott

Based on attendance, we can sort out dinner in the area for those staying Friday and/or Saturday nights.

LYC will accept separate checks, so you can eat what you like.

Please reply to us with an indication of your interest and email or call with any questions you have.

DON’T FORGET: Saturday June, 25 Zoom. Our topic is “Places that start with A.” Please email pictures prior to the 20th, so we can sort them out and be ready to tell a story about the picture(s). Zoom link will be sent by separate email.

May your next trip be the best ever!

Sylvia and Mark Russell
Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Chapter Coordinators