Presentation by Ukranian Artist and Fulbright Scholar Highlights May 2022 Pennsylvania Chapter Meeting

Guest speaker Rimma Milenkova, left, with Pennsylvania Chapter member Jill Kyle

The Pennsylvania TCC Chapter met on Sunday, May 23, at Yemeni restaurant Hadramount in University City, and heard from Fulbright Scholar and Ukrainian artist Rimma Milenkova. Hailing from the embattled greater Kharkiv region, most of Milenkova’s relatives have fled to Poland, but her parents continue to reside in their home village. Milenkova’s studies at the University of Pennsylvania center on community art, and to that end, her public art projects in Philadelphia have enjoyed extensive coverage in the local media. Next month, Milenkova intends to apply for asylum in the U.S. when her scholarship concludes, and we wish her and her family all the luck in the world. We were pleased and honored that she agreed to be our guest.

The Chapter will next meet on Sunday, Sept. 25, at Ralph’s, America’s oldest Italian restaurant.

Chapter member Leslie Kramer, just back from the Venice Biennale
Pennsylvania Chapter Coordinator Jane Berryman, left, with George Kyle