Marcia and Steven Clift to Host June 2022 Arkansas Chapter Lunch

The next meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will be on June 4 at noon at the house of Marcia and Steven Clift. A lot has happened since the last meeting — locally and worldwide. As Mark Twain said, ” travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.” Further South from Twain’s stomping grounds, Little Rock is celebrating the big 300 with the help of TCC member Denver Peacock. A big welcome to him as well as Wilma Drumond from McAlester, Oklahoma. She has a bunch of stories as well as a lot of pins on the map of the World. Our topic will be : “What destination has changed your life/viewpoint of the world more than any other?”  Linda Bell has an article in the March issue of the International Travel News entitled “Scrambling down the Samaria Gorge.”


Steven Clift
Arkansas Chapter Coordinator