A Successful Philadelphia Chapter Meeting Despite Rough Weather and an Unexpected Venue Change

The Philadelphia Chapter met on Sunday, Jan. 30, Pho Ha, a casual Vietnamese eatery popular with locals. Delving into spring rolls, broken rice, grilled beef, and — what else? — pho, the group heard from conductor Robert W. Butts (pictured with his wife) of the Baroque Orchestra of New Jersey, who has conducted opera and musical repertory all over the world.

Although several chapter members were unable to attend in the wake of a nor’easter that dumped 12+ inches of snow on the region the day before, AND the original venue — a Cambodian restaurant — was found unexpectedly shuttered, the group managed to pull off an informative and convivial outing anyway. After all, isn’t that was intrepid travelers do?

The chapter will next convene at Ralph’s, the oldest Roman Italian restaurant in America, on Sunday, May 22, at 5 p.m. The CEO of Philadelphia International Airport, Chelle Cameron, has been invited to speak. RSVPs are requested at least one week prior at Jane.Berryman1735@hushmail.com.