January 2022 Oceania Chapter Udpate

Hello all,

Sure hope you can join in to our TCC Oceania Get Togethers in January and February 2022.

But first:

Summary of our last meeting of 2021 on 15th December 2021: Iran versus Persia – Sonia Zimmerman

Sonia shared her love for Iran, a country rich on history, architecture and hospitality. She showed beautiful photos and shared stories from her three trips to Iran, specifically to Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Persepolis, Kashan, the Caspian Sea, along with family life in Iran with her long-term artist friend Ladan Broujerdi. Aspects of history, art, cuisine, architecture were introduced to help us distinguish Persia from Iran, and a discussion followed on challenges for both locals and tourists. Sonia included some of Jay’s photos from Yazd with the presentation. Jay has passed on a useful link, as our guest, Maria was wondering about budget accommodation for young women travelers. Check out this great Web site: https://www.backpackadventures.org/hostels-in-iran

Excellent presentation, thank you Sonia and Jay.

Mark up your calendars for the next two TCC Oceania meetings:

  • Wednesday, Jan. 12 at 18:00 AEDT
    Interchange to get to understand our Oceania region better – PRIDA & PICQ The idea is to get to know our Oceania region better by engaging with not-for-profits who serve the area. So far, we have Wendy Jackson from Pacific Region Infectious Diseases Association (PRIDA) [Through education and development of processes, they upskill local health care professionals]. If we are lucky, we may also have someone from Pacific Islands Council Queensland (PICQ) [assist Pacific Islanders as they arrive in Queensland for a new life]. It will just be an informal discussion. Sonia has suggested that we may be able give back by taking part in some voluntary projects e.g.: planting mangroves in Tuvalu, volunteer teaching somewhere, etc. We will explore this avenue of thought and if you know of volunteer opportunities in the region please come along and share.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 9, at 18:00 AEDT
    Iconic art pieces from around the world, a selection by Pauline Thorneloe Pauline will present on “Iconic art pieces from around the world – a selection” sharing her knowledge from working for the National Gallery of Australia as a volunteer guide.

The links for both these meetings will be distributed closer to the time.

Update on TCC Oceania meeting – Christmas/Cocos Islands – Nov. 15-22, 2022

We encourage anyone still interested in participating to contact Karen or Robyn and join our Facebook Group – TCC Cocos (Keeling Islands) & Christmas Island November 2022.

Karen has been working diligently on this event along with others. Thank you all. We still have some work to do though, particularly in regard to accommodation. Please let us know if you can help provide any contacts to assist in this search. (Bev? Pauline? Others ?) Sonia has offered her Airbnb “French Farmhouse in Subiaco” (Perth) on the way to there which can accommodate up to four persons. More details to follow as the trip is planned out further.

TCC Virtual Exploration

We hope that the TCC Virtual Exploration presentation on “Festivals from Around the World” was enjoyed by those who could make it. The next one will be on January 15 with details to follow. If you want to catch up on any that you have missed, please the TCC Forum Web site (https://tcc-forum.ning.com)

We hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas celebrations. Here is wishing you and your loved ones a year filled with happiness, loving, caring, warmth, health & prosperity and amazing travels to wherever we can get to.

Take care,

Robyn Antill
Oceania/Australia Chapter Coordinator