Oceania/Australia Chapter December Chat

The Oceania/Australia TCC Chapter will gather online on Wednesday, Dec. 15, starting at 17:30 AEST (click to find your local time zone).


  • Welcome all
  • Iran versus Persia
    Insights into contemporary Iran and ancient Persia by Sonia Zimmermann who traveled to Iran three times and has a personal connection to this country that keeps attracting her back.She will share her insights, impressions, and ways to overcome certain challenges traveling through this country with photos of her time in Tehran, Caspian Sea, Isfahan, Kashan, Shiraz, Persepolis, and family life in Iran. Persian history, cuisine, archaeology, architecture, art, culture, literature, daily life, and hospitality are some of the aspects touched on, simply as an observer of human interactions and incredible beauty in a land that scares some via a political lens and fascinates others via its rich history and its heritage, in terms of what surrounds visitors and ways of life encountered
  • Virtual Christmas Drink – bring along a beverage to join in for a virtual toast.

Contact Robin for login instructions.