Report from the March 2013 Kansas City Area Lunch

Cruise directors Andy and Tammy Heath entertained members at the March 2013 Kansas  City meeting.
Cruise directors Andy and Tammy Heath entertained members at the March 2013 meeting in Kansas City.

The TCC Missouri Chapter met on March 29 at Trezo Mare Restaurant. Approximately 30 guests were entertained by longtime cruise directors  Andy and Tammy Heath. Their accounts ranged from the glamorous (a private gathering with Polynesian royalty) to the unpleasant (enduring a nine-day trans-Atlantic crossing through a ferocious hurricane with three of the four engines inoperable) and the hilarious (commandeering a local St. Petersburg bus for some unsuspecting Mexican tourists).

The trivia question of the day was naming the highest European capital, and Ms Trudy Nepstad won a bottle of wine by naming Madrid.

The next three meetings are tentatively set for June 28, Sept. 27 and Dec. 6 at 11:30 am at Trezo Mare.