Dear TCC Member,
The TCC UK held our first in-person meeting since 2019 on Sunday, 18th July. Nine members joined us as we returned to Doggett’s Coat and Badge. We welcomed first-time attendees and members who have joined us for many events over the years.
As travel from the UK remains heavily restricted, most members discussed creative ways of continuing their travel adventures to various destinations within the UK, including many that have been on members’ }must visit” lists for a long time. Many members spoke about how the pandemic might change how they plan to travel in future and the expectation that we are unlikely to be doing much travel abroad for some time to come. We also discussed the international meeting in Malta in May 2022.
The TCC UK Chapter will continue to watch the situation with the pandemic as well as global travel restrictions in advance of planning our next meeting. We do hope to meet at some point mid-autumn, with the date and venue announced toward the end of September.
Best regards,
Donna Marsh
TCC Area Coordinator, UK and Ireland