South Pacific Destinations Highlighted in August 2021 NorCal Chapter Presentation via Zoom

Dear Travelers,

Does Bali Ha’i call to you? Great, because we are in for a treat. TCC members Bobbi Laufer and Charles Merkel are teaming up to take us island hopping across the Pacific! Destinations include Tuvalu, Kiribati and Tonga. Will we discover paradise or not? Tune to on Saturday, Aug. 7, at 11 a.m. PDT to find out.

Charles is the St Louis Chapter coordinator and the originator of Virtual Exploration (formerly known as Destination Zoom). Bobbi has faithfully attended our NorCal zooms even though she’s a member of the San Diego Chapter. As a travel professional, Bobbi specializes in exotic destinations and Charles is quoted as saying, “I’ll go anywhere once.” Together, we’ll follow these two intrepid travelers across a vast and treacherous sea.

Is August our final NorCal chapter meeting on Zoom? Interesting question. At this moment, we’re planning an in-person luncheon on Oct. 2 and we hope all of you will be vaccinated by that time. Please mark your calendars because we’re looking forward to rubbing elbows. We have a special program for the occasion. Husband and wife team Nancy Webb and Jack Mormon will present their touring experience across Southern Africa via the Shongololo Express. Stay tuned for more details.

We realize meeting in this virtual world has its limitations but our days of Zoom are drawing to a close. We look forward to “seeing” you on Aug. 7 and talking about our favorite topic — travel!

Margo and JoAnn