June 2021 Gathering of the New England TCC Chapter in Springfield, Mass.

At the Dr. Seuss Museum: Seated: Anush Dawidjan, host and Diamond Award recipient; kneeling: Dave Santulli, New England Coordinator; back row, left to right: Dave Netzer, Arvi Bahal, Shelley Santulli, Troy Santulli, Deborah Janis, Marjorie Ramsey, Noel Mann, Daan Sandee, Susan Segren, Dick Garland.

Dear Travelers’ Century Club of New England Members and Friends,

Thanks to all the members and friends who joined us on Saturday, June 26, in Springfield, Mass.! What a June Jubilee it was at Anush‘s home! Most of all, thank you Anush!

Anush provided a veritable smorgasbord of delights and members brought various delectable refreshments, including an irresistible ginger soda!

It was an honor to give Anush her Diamond Award for the profound achievement of 300 TCC destinations (which included her visit to every United Nations country).

As fellow travelers, we hold the utmost respect for Anush’s accomplishment. Anush shared about her dream to learn more about the world, especially as a first-generation American, and to discover firsthand the places that her parents came from and to see as much of the world as possible!

Persistence, courage, passion, ingenuity, unyielding curiosity, and an occasional “white lie” were among a few of the essential required elements discussed to achieve such a remarkable feat!

Arvi Bahal regaled us with his bipolar adventures to North and South Poles, as well as multiple other trips to Antarctica. Anush even awarded members gifts. Dave Netzer went home with a beautiful picture book of aerial photography of the world (for traveling the greatest distance to join us). We talked about diverse locations from Wrangel Island to the Hunza Valley in Pakistan.

Afterwards, some of us enjoyed the Dr. Seuss Museum. I think that we would all agree that “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” was our favorite!

If you were unable to join us, we look forward to future gatherings! The New England Chapter serves Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and parts of Connecticut. We hope to see members and friends from across the region!

Kind regards,

Dave SantulliNew England Chapter Coordinator

Chapter Coordinator Dave Santulli presents the TCC Diamond Award to Anush Dawidjan.