Club Announcements: This ‘n That

  • Members have long considered Diego Garcia to be the most difficult TCC destination to visit. That may change. According to newspaper articles, as part of enhanced US Australian military cooperation, the Coco Islands would replace the US’s present Indian Ocean base of Diego Garcia, which the US leases from the British; it is due to be mothballed in 2016. The Coco Islands, 2,700 kilometers east of Diego Garcia, is considered an ideal site not only for manned US surveillance aircraft but for Global Hawks, an unarmed, high-altitude surveillance drone.
  • You received your dues invoice and membership form in December. If you have not already paid, please do so immediately. Your Executive Board voted to not increase the dues for 2013.
  • TCC New York Area Coordinator Lynn Simmons is still beset from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. No sooner did she get her house cleaned up and insulation replaced when she discovered her entire attic roof was covered with mildew, requiring additional cleanup. To top it off, her supply of TCC envelopes were stuck shut. (She was sent a new supply by headquarters.)