Report From the November West Florida Gathering

Sarasota Area Coordinator Lillian O’Leary reports that the Sarasota chapter had a delightful luncheon on Nov. 16, 2012. Three new members (Russ Stevens and Tom and Ann Charter) attended the affair held at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota.

Russ Stevens discussed his trip to the five “Stans,” which was quite informative being that few people travel to that part of the world. It certainly created interest.

Tom and Ann Charter attended their first meeting. Tom’s job brought him to South America, where they resided for many years.

Maureen Trese drove from Naples (almost a two-hour drive away). She is off on another journey in December.

Ken Chamberlain has attended virtually all of our meetings. Having worked in the aviation industry, he has traveled to many far-off locations. He brings his humor to our meetings as well as informing us about little-known locations.

Don and Nancy Irvine, who are regulars at our meetings, told us of their recent trip to to Baltics.

Lillian had pictures from a safari which she and her husband went on in May 2012, as well as pictures from a trip to a farm in Tuscany which they had just returned from. They shared the pictures with the group.

The chapter plans to have lunches on Jan. 23 and April 10 at 12:30 p.m. at the University Park Country Club.