Frank Basile, Area Coordinator for the New Indiana TCC Chapter

A new TCC Chapter has been formed in the Indianapolis area under the leadership of  Area Coordinator Frank Basile.

The first meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 23, from noon to 3 p.m. The location is the Seasons 52 Restaurant at 8650 Keystone Crossing, close to the I-465 on the north side of the city. All Indiana TCC members are invited, along with their significant others and guests. “This first meeting will begin with a reception and lunch,” Frank states. “It will be an organizational get-acquainted meeting and will include a discussion of how the chapter will function, such as meeting frequency, time, location and programming.” RSVPs should be sent to Frank at, or call him at (317) 578-3585. The address is 3564 Clearwater Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46240.

Frank and Katrina Basile
Frank and Katrina Basile

When he is not traveling, Frank is a professional speaker, author, columnist, member of nonprofit boards, philanthropist and retired senior executive of the Gene B. Glick Co.

  • As a professional speaker, he holds the designation of Certified Speaking Professional, which is awarded by the National Speakers Association, and has delivered more than 1,400 speeches, seminars and workshops during the past 35 years.
  • As a writer, he authored 14 books, including three textbooks. His latest book is Traveling with Frank and Katrina. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to various not-for-profit organizations. He wrote a weekly column on management and personal skills for the Indianapolis Business Journal for 20 years and is currently writing a quarterly column on travel.
  • As a community leader, he has served as board chair or president of 11 not-for-profit organizations and currently serves on the board of six organizations. He served one year as interim CEO/President of the Center for the Performing Arts.
  • As a philanthropists, Frank and his wife, Katrina, have contributed to many not-for-profit organizations. He received the Outstanding Philanthropist Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
  • As a businessman, for 33 years he was senior vice president of the Gene B. Glick Co., with responsibility for the management of the company’s 20,000 apartments and 675 employees in 12 states.
  • As a traveler, Frank and Katrina have traveled to 174 countries on all seven continents and enjoy independent travel, which at times borders on the edge.

Frank graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans. His primary hobby is ballroom dancing. He was born in New Orleans, is married to Katrina, a Realtor, and has two sons.