Getting Involved With TCC

How to be an Area Coordinator – You should be a dues-paying member for several years. It’s a volunteer position, primarily communicating with TCC members in your local area. The only requirements are to arrange social gatherings (lunches, dinners, cocktail or coffee receptions, excursions, etc.) in a member’s home or restaurant; arrange programs (speakers or just a travel-related exchange among the members); take photographs or ask someone else to do this; and give reports about the meetings to TCC Headquarters. There are plenty of ideas in the reports from the Area Coordinators in the issues of The Centurian. There is no cost since members pay individually. Any number of members in an area qualify for a chapter. The number of meetings are flexible. Headquarters will assist.

How to do TV or publication interviews – It’s easy. Most reporters just want to know more about TCC, the number of countries and territories and how they qualify, requirements for membership, such as short stays, etc. It’s best to review the TCC History, which is on the Web site, as well as in your new roster; the reporter can do the same. You can just embellish with information about your own travels.

How to submit editorials or suggestions – We are considering a “Members Speak” section in The Centurian, so we would like to hear from you. Let us have ideas or comments about TCC or about countries/territories that you have recently visited. This would be different from an Info Files. You can also submit these comments in the Members Forum, but if you would like to share with all TCC members, please indicate that your comments are for the Members Speak column in The Centurian and give us your name and city.