December 2019 Eastern Canada Chapter Meeting Recap

On behalf of those members in attendance at our December 2019 meeting, an appreciative thank you to Joseph Lee who treated us to two of his incredible bicycling adventures. The first through a dozen Western African countries, and the second that began in Pakistan, then through Western China and Kyrgyzstan. This unique travel mode saw Joseph and his bike mates have incredible encounters with locals, extreme geographies and fascinating cultures.

We welcomed two members, Dhillon Smith and Victoria Russell, who hit the 100-country mark. Also attending their first meeting as provisional members were Andy Murie and Eleanor Snedden. Congrats to everyone.

In 2020 we have meetings scheduled for May 9, Sept. 19 and Dec. 5.

Wishing all Canadian world travelers a wonderful holiday season and rewarding travels in 2020.

Rick Shaver, Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator