United Kingdom Chapter Members and Guests Treated to an Engaging Fall Gathering in London

At the November 2018 UK Chapter gathering in London (left to right): Adam Strudwick, Rekha Sharma, Donna Marsh, Austin Erwin, Nathan Perry, and Steve Corbett (see more photos below)

The TCC UK Chapter held its autumn 2018 meeting on Sunday, Nov. 4, at Doggett’s Coat and Badge, Southbank, London. There were 25 members, including new members, provisional members, members attending their first TCC meeting, and guests in attendance. Our group included UK and Irish based members. We also welcomed TCC members from Malaysia, the Netherlands and Qatar.

Our speaker was David Langan, who advised and entertained us on his successful travels to Tokelau, similar to his presentation in Barcelona. We also heard from our guest, Paul Martin, a cousin of Ian Gamble, a loyal member who died earlier this year. Paul emphasized how much Ian loved to travel. Nathan Perry provided an update about the TCC UK social media activity.

The main activity of our meeting was “Memory Lane.” Members and many guests brought a photo or item that represented something they could not repeat. The wide variety of topics ranged from Concorde to a female member dressed in Western clothing in pre-revolutionary Iran to several Berlin Wall related themes. One member brought a photo of his unexpected encounter with Idi Amin whilst he was President of Uganda during his travels through Africa as a younger man. Sadly, several members also brought more recent memories of various locations in Syria and Libya that can no longer be visited. All were interesting.

We also had an informal picture quiz where each table formed a team. Each team was challenged to identify bridges, former capitals, WHS national parks, and rivers. Correct answers provided clues to solving an anagram. A well-done to Team “Rovers” – Judith Evans, Chris Kohut, Pekka Suonio, and Alex Waring – who identified the most pictures and solved the anagram. Honorable mention is given to all other teams, who were nearly as clever as the Rovers.

The TCC UK’s next meeting will be held in early April. Date options will be announced by the end of November. We will be returning to Doggett’s, due to popular demand.

Best regards,

Donna Marsh
TCC Chapter Coordinator, United Kingdom and Ireland

Left to right: Wendy Wagner, Lucy Cooper, Jeremy Burton, Benny Axt, Maggie Burton, and Eric Wagner
Left to right: Paul Martin, Tony Williams, Colin McCorquodale, and Jill Weston
Left to right: Per Besson, David Langan, Judith Evans, Chris Kohut, Pekka Suonio, Alex Waring, Steve Ryder; not shown: Tanisha Raffiuddin, and Mike Kendall (apologies from the photographer)