Report From the April 2018 United Kingdom Chapter Meeting in London

The U.K. Chapter met on April 22 at the Zetland Arms in London. See more photos below.

TheTravelers’ Century Club United Kingdom Chapter held its spring 2018 meeting on Sunday, April 22, at the Zetland Arms, South Kensington, London. We hosted a record number of 35 people in attendance. Our group included U.K. and Irish based members. We also welcomed TCC members from the Netherlands, the Gambia and the United States. Several provisional members and guests attended as well. We acknowledged members who have reached Silver, Gold, and Platinum status, and John Barnett’s achievement of all United Nations countries. A few other members are close to achieving the U.N. list.

Our speaker was Adam Strudwick, who is traveling to each U.N. country in the order they became recognized as a country, along with his partner, Rekha Sharma, who was unable to attend. Adam’s lively talk described how they define their criteria, what they focus on visiting during their travels, and a comprehensive analysis of travel data that resonated with many of our travel- and statistics-obsessed members.

We also invited members and provisional members to the annual TCC Germany meeting in September, as well as the TCC International weekend meeting in Barcelona. The TCC U.K. Chapter has also been invited to attend the U.K. Circumnavigators’ Club’s 10th anniversary Christmas event at the House of Lords. Spaces are limited at the House of Lords. TCC members interested in attending are encouraged to contact me directly as I am coordinating with the Club’s leader for this event.

A document was distributed to members for an opportunity to request the TCC Committee’s reconsideration of the status of Prince Edward Island, as this continues to be an important issue for some members.

TCC prospective members were introduced to the basic structure of the TCC and TCC U.K. as well as how we operate. We hope to welcome several new members throughout 2018. Nathan Perry was kind enough to expand the TCC U.K.’s social media presence on additional platforms and media, including Instagram. Members have now been requested to submit future payments solely online; bank details will be supplied on request to members who do not already have them.

The TCC U.K.’s next meeting will be held in November 2018. Dates and venue details will be announced by the end of May.

Best regards,

Donna Marsh
TCC Chapter Coordinator, United Kingdom and Ireland