Report From the February 2018 TCC Gathering in Sarasota

On Feb. 15 the Southwest Florida TCC Chapter had a luncheon meeting at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota.

Several of our regular attendees were on trips to Rome, India or on a cruise, so our normal attendance was under-represented. Nonetheless, the attendees had lively discussions on travels to the Antarctic, Central Asia, China (one of the attendees was born there), as well as river cruises.

We have scheduled our next meeting for April 26, since several members asked for a late April or early May luncheon and to skip any meetings during the summer. The meeting will take place at the University Park Country Club, 7671 The Park Blvd., University Park, FL 34201. Members need to contact Coordinator Amanda Davis ( ahead of time if attending as she has to make a reservation.