Report From the March 2017 Arizona Chapter Meeting

We had a fantastic meeting March 5 at Chapter Coordinator Matt Cohen‘s house. A lively social hour was followed by a program, and then more socializing. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to our members who have presented programs in the past; the certificates were only recently made available, and members enjoyed reminiscing about past talks (we’re 12 years old now and quite a large chapter). It was announced his photograph of a leopard drinking will be on the April cover of the PSA Journal magazine. Matt delivered a program on creating travel photo books. He passed along tips his instructors had given him, plus discussed the reasons to do a book. They can serve as keepsakes, a travel guide to future travelers, the introduction text may be used as a TCC Info File, and they can be a great exercise in distilling your trip into a summary focusing on the basics and essentials of the venture. Matt also gave some travel photography tips. The next meeting will be April 9; to keep momentum going, we will also have hamburger restaurant nights in May and July, rather than having a six-month gap between meetings. These dinners will be small and informal due to members traveling to avoid the Phoenix heat.