An Invitation to the December 2016 Los Angeles Area Meeting

At our Annual December Holiday Luncheon at Lawry’s The Prime Rib in Beverly Hills, the guest speaker will be former TCC President Kevin Hughes, who will present a fascinating film documentary on his historic 66-day odyssey around the “White Continent” aboard the Russian icebreaker, Kapitan Khlebnikov. This “Circumnavigation of Antarctica” will feature the historical sites of the Scott and Shackleton expeditions, live-action rescue of an ice-trapped supply ship, actual operations being conducted including a unique transfer of supplies and passengers from ship to ship, seldom visited bases, ice-breaking operations, the “Dry Valleys” near the U.S. base, helicopter rides on aging Russian choppers, plenty of ice and a cast of thousands … of emperor penguins! You won’t want to miss this incredible adventure, just in time to get you ready for winter!

Here are the meeting details:

Date: Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016

Place: Lawry’s The Prime Rib, 100 N. La Cienega Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211, Tel: (310) 652-2827

Time: 11:30 a.m. – No Host Cocktails; 12:30 p.m. – Luncheon & Program

Cost: Members and guests, $60 per person. Non-members (not guests), $75. Includes wine, tax & tip.

Payment: No later than noon, Wed. Dec.. 7. For late RSVP, call (818) 502-1988 or email to

Parking: Self-park, valet available