Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas Hosts October 2015 Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Lunch

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter held our last meeting of the year at the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas. The 24 members/guests journeyed from the metros of Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth, San Antonio and Austin. The Theys even timed the meeting to fly back to Houston through Dallas from Paris. Lyda Hill arranged for us to have our meeting at the museum, and Lynn Crain arranged for the lunches, giving everyone more time to visit and enjoy the museum before and after the meeting. Many thanks for their help! We were all grateful that the President and CEO of the museum, Cheryl Sutterfield-Jones, was our featured speaker.

Following are some highlights from the meeting:

  • Ms. Cheryl Sutterfield-Jones not only shared her enthusiasm about the museum with us, but also educated us on how the museum is impacting lives in the Dallas area. The focus they have on preparing our next generation of leaders in STEM was impressive. It was also interesting to hear about the unique artifacts they have, and all of the programs they offer. With TCC members in flight most of the time, it was informative for all of us. What a nice touch to provide museum pens, brochures and lighted key chains for those in attendance.
  • We celebrated Odile Theys hitting Silver status of 150 countries. In addition, Connie and Jack Ogg 200 hit Gold status of 200 countries. Congrats to each of you and the photos are attached of those in attendance.
  • We welcomed three new members: Bob and Betty Bailliet of Magnolia, and Barbara Teas of Houston.
  • An update was provided on the tool that Paul Clites and Mark Ramsey are working on for the chapter to share dates/trips, so the “most recent experts” can be contacted to share their insights. Several volunteered for the test group, so Paul and Mark will be contacting these folks soon (Mark Russell, Jordan Hargrave, BJ Bjorklund, Lyda Hill and Kim-Kay Randt).
  • Our around-the-room sharing was very special due to Lyda’s idea for everyone to bring a photo and describe why it sums up a trip. We were able to see images from all over the world (and the North Pole), along with hearing why those trips were special. Thanks to everyone for participating!

The next meeting will be held in Houston on April 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  I’ll send out logistics and RSVP requests one month in advance of the meeting. Safe travels.

Kim-Kay Randt, Texas/Oklahoma Area Coordinator