Report From the October 2014 Texas/Oklahoma Meeting

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter held our last meeting of the year at the downtown Dallas office of Lyda Hill (Silver), a change from the originally planned Flight Museum due to a storm-related electrical outage. We were fortunate to have Lynn Crain‘s organizational skills to help with the change, and were even treated to the Crow Collection of Asian Art. Our meeting of 19 members/guests journeyed from the metros of Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth. Lyda was also our featured speaker on a topic that inspired us all, and she provided us with an Ebola update from her connections at the CDC noting that “science is the answer.”

Following are some highlights from the meeting:

  • Lyda Hill (Silver) shared her insightful stories on “Impacting the Globe through Philanthropy,” as she is driven to give back when she travels. Whether it was giving balloons or school supplies to children in developing nations, protecting the oceans, saving a hector of land, conserving coral, encouraging “no take” fish zones, or helping to save coco … she has made philanthropy fun and can cleverly be called a PHILANTHROPENEUR!
  • We celebrated Brooks Faurot and Lyda Hill hitting Silver status of 150 countries. Congrats to each of you!
  • We have three new members: Alejandro Verdugo of Lubbock, Teresa McCanlies of Houston, and Scot McKay of San Antonio. Welcome!
  • A reminder for the TCC 60th anniversary cruise in October, as Tom and I will host a cocktail hour on the ship for the TX/OK chapter. TCC members from all over the U.S. and globe will be aboard. Click here for more information »
  • The annual chapter survey results were shared and are summarized below:
    • With a response rate of 9%, most noted that overall things were going well.
    • With 80% of meeting attendance over the last 13 meetings reflecting members that live in either the Houston or Dallas metros, most were fine with two meetings per year in Houston (April) and Dallas (October). For those interested in planning a January or July meeting, just let me know.
    • Several mentioned the need for a tool that could match up common travelers, so Paul Clites and Mark Ramsey offered to put something together as an optional tool for our chapter, noting the dates of which trips were taken.
  • Our around-the-room sharing was about an interesting tale of a recent trip or what is next planned. We heard about the Himalayas, Costa Rica, India, a round-the-world charter plane trip, Gibraltar, Antarctica, Sierra Leon (recently cancelled), Cypress, Elbe River, Mexico, Myanmar, Ireland, Israel, Scotland and North Korea.

The first of our two meetings of 2015 will be held in Houston on April 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. I’ll send out logistics and RSVP requests one month in advance of the meeting. Safe travels.

Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator