First Meeting of Revived Texas Chapter a Big Success

Houston, June 2011
The TCC Texas Chapter has reorganized and is reenergized, thanks to the capabilities of new Area Coordinator Kim-Kay Randt. Pictured are those who attended the first meeting in Houston on June18. Members also came from Corpus Christi, Austin and Dallas.

Thanks to everyone who attended the June TCC Texas Chapter meeting, especially those from out of town and our featured speaker, Bill Hintze! It was nice to see folks reconnect and to meet new people who share the same love of world travel. A grand Texas welcome to our two newest members, Jordan and Barbara.

Following are some highlights from the meeting to accompany the photos below:

Bill’s exciting near-death drama in the icy waters was well presented and kept all of us on the edge of our seats. He was so fantastic to share his story with us, and to have maps/handouts for us to follow along. Well done, Bill!

Our around the room sharing of “how did the travel bug start with you?” provided some wonderful stories like Diane‘s swimming adventures all over the world, Terry‘s global stamp collection, Wendell‘s global flights, Patricia‘s military bases, George‘s global jewelry searches, Jordan‘s family history of travel, David‘s African tour, Dolly‘s English classes in Iran, Ka‘s global penguin quest, Cynthia‘s “go bug” from birth, Jeff’s teenage car quest, and Jack‘s map fascination on the Wyoming trip that eventually led him to visit all county courthouses in Texas. Wow!

We also talked about the benefits of the new Global Entry option ( and other topics we can try for future meetings (wines, trips to armpits of the world, etc).

The next meeting will be on October 15 in Dallas (see below), and we agreed on the meeting dates for 2012: Jan. 14 in Houston, April 14 in Austin, July 14 in Houston and Oct. 13 in Dallas. Several featured speakers have already been identified, and I’ll keep you updated as we finalize topics.

Again, thanks for all the energy at the meeting – it was a fun way to avoid the soaring temperatures in Houston!

—Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator

Upcoming Events Reminder

  • TCC Board meeting and Member meeting in San Diego, CA – September 10
    • Some of you have attended these member meetings in the past, so if you go we’d love to hear about it in October. I am planning to call into the Board meeting that precedes the lunch so that I can provide an update in October.
  • Dallas Member meeting: October 15:
    • Featured speaker: Lyda Hill – Palmyra Atoll (Travel tips for a difficult to reach location)
    • Location: Trammel Crow Center, 2001 Ross Avenue | Dallas, TX 75201 — Suite 4600 – lunch will be brought in
      Time: 11a-2p
    • Agenda: Member introductions, chapter update (eg. new members), featured speaker, and final 2012 meeting schedule
    • RSVP: Some have already RSVP’d that they will be in attendance, but please RSVP to by October 10 so that we can get an accurate headcount for the lunch.
    • Cost: $25/person – will either be a salad/sandwich buffet or box lunches