Save the Dates for 2024-’25 in Central Europe!

With far-flung members across the continent, the Central European Chapter typically organizes two destination meetings each year. Typically, the Autumn (or Fall) Meeting is held in a German city and the Spring Meeting occurs in a European city outside of Germany. The weekend festivities usually begin with a Friday evening welcome dinner, continue with country presentations, a trivia quiz, and some organizational matters on Saturday, and end with optional sightseeing on Sunday. Save these dates – details subject to change.

May 4, 2024, Dufftown, Speyside Region, Scotland
Visit the famed Spey River Valley with Chapter Coordinator Armin Schreiner and British TCC Member Iain Grist who are serving as local hosts for this region. Both are familiar with the whisk(e)y business and experienced Scotland travelers. Since the Speyside Whisky Festival is on in the days of the meeting, various spirit tastings, unusual distillery tours and regional exploration await.

Aug. 31, 2024, Erfurt, Germany
On this occasion, Chapter Coordinator Armin Schreiner will take you to the East of Germany together with local host Michael Zoch, who was born and raised in GDR. Erfurt is the capital of the German State of Thuringia and exceptionally beautiful, with a well-restored old town, cathedral square, and many more architectural treasures. Close by, you have other historical sites telling about Germany’s cultural heritage – follow the footprints of, e.g., Goethe and Schiller, Cranach, Bach, or Luther…

May 3, 2025, Salzburg, Austria
In 2025, visit the land of Mozart, the Sound of Music, and a world-famous salt mine following the kind suggestion of local host Verena Tauchert, who is happy to present Austria as her country of residence.