June 2023 NorCal Meeting Recap: Tips, Tricks and Travel Tales From Three Illustrious TCC Members

On June 3, 37 Northern California members and guests met at Skates on the Bay in Berkeley for lunch and socializing. Regular guest and now full member, Kevin Sarmento, was honored for reaching Centurian status.

The program for the meeting spotlighted three of its most illustrious members. Tim Carlson, former TCC board member and NorCal chapter founder, has the distinction of traveling to all TCC countries/territories. Sanford Smith, former TCC president, board member, and a Diamond member (300+), is the world expert behind the creation of the TCC list as we know it. Betty Knudson, a platinum TCC member (250+), continues to travel and will embark on a cruise later this month at the age of 98! The three shared tips, tricks and recounted experiences ranging from bribing their way into a country to the challenges of traveling in a “cash only” country when your wallet was stolen and there was no way to replenish one’s cash! Can you imagine traveling with only your camera bag (and yes, it held a camera as well as a change of clothes)? These seasoned travelers have seen it all and continue their enthusiasm for travel and TCC.