From Our Newest Members: Susan Turnbull, Apia, Samoa

Susan, active in the virtual exploration production, at home in Samoa.

I have always wanted to travel and live overseas. Perhaps it was from my father regaling me with stories of living in Asia during the 1960s on Royal Australian Air Force postings. My first overseas trip was to Hong Kong when I was twelve. An explosion to the senses, Wanderlust set in.

In my early 20s, I moved to the UK for work and backpacked through 70 countries guided by the Lonely Planet books. A traveler I met spoke about a club for people who traveled to 100 countries. I started to keep count.

In 2006, I moved to the Solomon Islands for work. It was there I met Gary (GT). We have also lived and worked in East Timor and now Samoa, traveling when able.In 2020 I went in search of this “100 club.” Coincidentally, the Oceania Chapter had just formed, and I joined as a provisional member with a TCC count of 94. I have learned so much from our local chapter members and made new friends at the Malta conference. It was great to be cheered on to 100 with this delightful club of people who all understand that Wanderlust drive.