Recap of the March 2023 New York Chapter Luncheon on Antarctica and the South Pole

The New York TCC Chapter gathered on March 25 at Toledo Restaurant in Manhattan for an afternoon of fine Spanish food and four fascinating presentations. The presenters — all TCC members — included Khadijah Musa with a capsule on “Traveling the Global South with the United Nations”; Cathy Shelton, “Antarctica 101”; Bill Datema, “South Georgia and the Falkland Islands”; and Sherri Donovan, “The South Pole.” Eight members in attendance were honored for reaching Diamond, Platinum, and Silver milestones, as well as those reaching 100 countries/territories for full membership. We welcomed three new members and four travelers visiting from other chapters.

Join us at our next luncheon on Saturday, April 22, at Fraunces Tavern, the oldest restaurant in NYC, with presentations on the Caucasus by Ed Hotchkiss and Ukraine by BJ Mikkelsen. Then, come out on Saturday, June 3, for our Summer Social featuring East European home cooking at the lakeside home of New Jersey Silver members, Natasha and Fred Brodzinski. Be sure to save the date for the Sept. 9 luncheon featuring Jane Eagleson presenting Pakistan, based on four trips.