Member Tribute: Lynn Simmons

By Christopher Hudson, Past President and Board Member

A truly epic era has come to a close with the retirement of Lynn Simmons from the role as the New York TCC Chapter Ccoordinator. Lynn spearheaded the Club’s New York events for an astounding 36 years. I was only able to participate in the New York luncheons for about ten of those years, but was always stimulated by the programs and speakers that Lynn organized, and by the wonderful, and amazingly inexpensive, restaurants that she and fellow member Joe Rappaport found — locations that very often perfectly complemented the subject matter of the meeting.

The range of destinations covered by these events has been enormous — almost endless, not to mention the great fun of special subject meetings such as shared serendipitous moments in travel, or rail travel on the Indian sub-continent, or tracing family connections in Europe, or the animals of Africa.

Lynn was unfailingly helpful and gracious to me. Incidentally, she’s also been a giver to the Long Island community as a volunteer conversation partner for foreign students of English.

We can’t thank Lynn enough for everything she has done for the Club, and wish her many more years of happy travels and the continued good fellowship of her many friends throughout the Club!