Missouri Chapter Plans Presentation on Eastern Europe and the Baltics

The next meeting of the Kansas City Chapter will be Friday, June 24, at the Trezo Mare Restaurant, reports Steve Fuller, Area Coordinator. Charles Merkel, from St. Louis, will present a program on his recent travels to Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Future meetings are scheduled for September 23 and December 2.

At the March 11 meeting, Steve and Henna Fuller gave a slideshow on their December trip to Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. “But the real drama of the program was the speech by Mohammed Handi, a Libyan engineer based in Kansas City,” notes Fuller. “He had the whole audience on the edge of their chairs, discussing his phone conversations with his family who is fighting for the resistance against the Khadafi government.” A question-and-answer period followed his talk.

Charles Merkel informs us that there will be a joint meeting of the St. Louis TCC members and the St. Louis International Travel Club at 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 21, at the St. Louis County Library Headquarters. Merkel will talk about his recent trip through the trouble spots of the Middle East and the Travel Club will feature a talk by a representative of the Travel Medicine Dept. of Washington University St. Louis. A travelers’ happy hour, hosted by TCC members, will follow at Schneithorst Bierskeller, across the street from the Library. For further information, call Merkel at 314-644-7797.