Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Explores the Future of Travel

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter met on Jan. 12 in Houston, in a lovely, white-columned room in the Houston Museum of Natural Science, with several touring the permanent museum exhibits after the meeting concluded. It was a nice start to the year to have more than normal attendance – 30 in total that joined us from Austin, the Dallas metro, and the Houston metro area, including first-time attendees and potential new members. Special thanks to our featured speaker, Philippe Theys (Silver), for his thought-provoking and entertaining predictions of how TCC members of the future will earn their country counts!

Following are some highlights from the meeting:

  • Philippe, a native of France that winters in Houston, tapped into his decades-long career in the energy industry to shock us … one day fossil fuels will be gone, and how will TCC members ever attain their country counts? His solutions of nuclear, wind, and trains brought hope to all of us, though the traveling by foot option made each of us humbly respect any other option available! Not to worry, he computed that 89 countries can indeed by visited without using planes. Whew!
  • We have two new members: Dennis Nienkerk of Dallas and Betsyanne Tippette of Dallas.
  • We enjoyed celebrating Carolyn Barkley and Larry Mathis attaining Silver Status of 150 countries! She hit this new country count when she was in Honduras, and he hit 150 in Tasmania. Congrats to both of you!
  • It was Kay Champion‘s birthday so we all were able to sing to him to help him celebrate.
  • Thanks to those of you that provided feedback on the chapter expansion to include Oklahoma. There appear to be 15 current members in Oklahoma, but I’ve only been able to contact a few via phone or email. Will keep you all posted and we hope to see some of them at our next meeting.
  • The TCC list of 321 was confirmed at the last TCC Board meeting in December in California. Also remember the new Centurian “Member Speaks” section if you want to submit recent travel insights.
  • Our around-the-room sharing of New Year’s travel resolutions or next trips provided some wonderful plans and stories, including Jack‘s and Carolyn‘s resolutions to just “GO,” and Cynthia‘s plans to keep up with all of Jeff’s travels.

Our next meeting will be held in Austin on April 13, featuring our very own TCC Chairman, Klaus Billep, who will share insights on the TCC and his favorite country. I’ll send out logistics and rsvp requests one month in advance of the meeting.

Please note that the October 2013 meeting originally scheduled for Oct. 12 has been changed due to a conflict with the Longhorns vs. Sooners college football game on the 12th. We are fortunate that we were able to book the new Perot Museum of Nature and Science for the Saturday prior instead – October 5. Hopefully this date change from Oct. 12 to Oct. 5 is enough in advance that our members won’t be impacted. Lyda worked her magic to book us the small auditorium for our normal meeting time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. She said that TCC members should plan to come early and stay late to see the museum, especially since it takes days to fully appreciate it.

Safe travels … and Go Texans!

Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator

Please note that the Texas Chapter has expanded to include neighboring Oklahoma. Click to view a separate article about the change »