Report from the April 2012 United Kingdom Meeting

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC UK held its spring meeting at the RAC, Pall Mall, London on Sunday, April 15. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Palmer were gracious hosts, which was much appreciated in my absence due to unavoidable work circumstances. In addition to our UK- and Eire-based members in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Jiri Prasil travelled from the Czech Republic. The TCC UK also hosted several first-time attendees, Mr. Malcolm Turner, Mr. Jeremy Burton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roulstone.

The meeting opened with a moment of silence and reflection on the day of the 100th anniversary of those lost on the Titanic. The acknowledgement of the passing of TCC UK member Barry Archer was also held.

Members were invited to share any travel stories they wished with the group. Members were entertained and informed about diverse venues including Easter Island, Norfolk Island, the Balkan states and Moldova, Trans-Dniester and Armenia, the Yemen including Socotra, Burma/Myanmar, Mustique, and thorough travel throughout the Caribbean.

Donna Marsh, Area Coordinator