TCC in the News

Ed Reynolds of Woodland Hills, CA, was featured in a recent issue of The Pasadena Star-News, with the title “Travelin’ man has visited nearly every country in the world,” which is referring to the 193 UN countries. Recent visits to Samoa and Kiribati gave him that accomplishment but Ed states that he has been to 290 foreign destinations, some during his 22-year career as a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer in Vietnam and later working in the Pentagon. But most of his travel was after he turned 65 in 2001. He describes his membership in TCC in the article and TCC Chairman Klaus Billep is also quoted.

Ed says he got his travel bug from his parents. He has just spent the last from a travel account he set up following the sale of his late mother’s house. He enjoys meeting people in different countries and understanding them better. Some of his favorite places are Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Ivory Coast town of Yamoussoukro, Socotra Island off the coast of Yemen — but his favorite place is San Francisco.

Here’s a link to the article: Travelin’ Man Has Visited Nearly Every Country in the World »

Steve Newcomer of West Hollywood, CA, was the cover story of the publication of the City Employees Club of Los Angeles, Alive. Called “One Man’s Journey — Beyond the Comfort Zone,” the feature includes several photos of Steve taken in unique destinations. He retired as the Director of Information Technologies and Collections from the LA Library.

He also has been to all 193 of the UN destinations, “plus many more unofficial territories and regions.” He says, in the article, that “for him it was not about crossing them off a list, but living a life of adventure, challenge and deeper under- standing that changed who he was.”

He says Antarctica is at the top of his list of places he would like to revisit. Also at the top are Brazil, Rwanda and Yemen. What got him started was a class trip to the Middle East while in college and he took off a month prior to travel in Europe, Egypt and Jordan. He also talks about TCC in the article.

Steve did a lot of volunteer service in other countries and was briefly with American Airlines. He travels with only a small backpack and shuns electronic gadgets because they distract him from interacting with the cultures in which he finds him- self.” The 34-year journey has been one of inter- acting with cultures very different from my own and of creating my own global ‘family,’ ” he states.