Report From the July 2013 Texas/Oklahoma Meeting at the Houston Arboretum

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter held it’s third meeting of the year on July 13 at the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center in Memorial Park. Even with the summer heat and travel schedules, there were 20 that joined us from San Antonio and the Dallas and Houston metros, including a potential new member. Special thanks to our featured speaker Dr. Kay Champion (G) for his tale of medical mishaps in India. Here are some highlights from the meeting:

  • Dr. Kay Champion (G) shared with the group “Why not to have Hip Surgery in India.” It was a fascinating story of his wife, Barbara Champion (G), and her hip fracture while they were trapped in a remote part of India. The hospital was the best of its kind, but lacking in most medical aspects … except maybe for a plethora of people willing to help despite missing Barbara’s heart attack. She survived the surgery and trip, but health care is certainly more top of mind now as they continue to travel!
  • We enjoyed celebrating Dr. Kay and Barbara Champion attaining Gold Status of 200 countries! They hit this new country count when they were cruising the coast of Africa. Congrats to both of you!
  • The annual chapter member survey will be sent via email next month – please take the time to provide me feedback so that we can continue to improve our TX/OK Chapter.
  • Our around-the-room sharing of why our members joined the TCC included Debbie‘s search for others that share her travel passions, Barbara‘s joining to be with her husband and to make new friends, Larry’s new time for travel after retirement, Diane’s pursuit of goals, Kay’s desire to get ideas on different countries, David/Ronnett‘s high count after the army service and months in Europe, Jim/Sue‘s high count after merchant marine travel and loving to “go!,” Terry joined 30 years ago when meetings were mainly in California and loves sharing stories (like when his cruise ship recently left them stranded), Bill‘s geology experiences that took him to all the “boonies,” Jack‘s “new country each year” with his wife, Cynthia‘s chance to actually see her husband and to meet interesting people, and Jeff joining to find others with the same interests.

Our next meeting will be held in Dallas on Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., featuring Klaus Billep who will share TCC Insights and his favorite country. I’ll send out logistics and rsvp requests one month in advance of the meeting.

Safe travels and thanks for the suggestion about the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society – I will be reading it during our upcoming travels there!

Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator