July Texas/Oklahoma Meeting to Be Held at the Houston Arboretum

2013 is flying by and we are nearing our third TCC TX/OK chapter meeting of the year. We will hold the next meeting at the Houston Arboretum on July 13, and are honored again to have Dr. Kay Champion (Gold Member) as our featured speaker. If you have never worried about receiving medical care in a foreign country, you will after his presentation! Details on the logistics and RSVP request are below.

Next Member Meeting: July 13:

  • Featured Speaker and Topic: Dr. Kay Champion will cover “Why not to have Hip Surgery in India”
  • Location: We will be holding our meeting in Room A of the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center in Memorial Park, one of the largest urban parks in the country and formerly Camp Logan (a WW 1 Army training camp). The address is 4501 Woodway Drive Houston, TX 77024-7708
  • Time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Agenda: Member introductions, chapter update, featured speaker, 2013/2014 meeting schedule reminder, group photo, networking
  • Lunch: We will have lunch catered by Cafe Express in Uptown Park that will be served with iced tea. They offer a variety of boxed meal sandwiches that can easily be delivered, and with taxes and a drink it should cost about $12 per person. Please pay me when you check in at the meeting. When you RSVP for the meeting, please provide your lunch selection: Select a Boxed Meal Sandwich from page 2 of the Cafe Express menu at www.cafe-express.com/pdf/catering_menu.pdf.
  • RSVP: For lunch planning purposes, please RSVP to me by July 7.
  • Carpooling: If you are interested in either offering a ride or joining another to head to Houston, contact me and I’ll connect those interested carpoolers.

Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I’ll look forward to your RSVP and seeing you all next month.

Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator